Obba Documentation: Spreadsheet Functions


  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
    1. Handling Objects in Spreadsheets
    2. Spreadsheet Function Overview
  3. Loading Java Libraries
  4. Object Labels and Object Handles
    1. Re-using Object Labels
  5. Object Creation
    1. Parameters
    2. Examples
  6. Method Invocation
    1. Examples
  7. Passing Parameters
    1. Examples
    2. Passing Literal Values
    3. Casting Objects
  8. Converting Object Values to Spreadsheet Values
    1. Supported Conversions to Spreadsheet Types
  9. Releasing Objects
  10. Building Spreadsheet Functions
    1. Compound Function Calls
    2. Object Handle Checking
    3. Transient Object Handles
    4. Deferred Release - Making Object Handles Transient
  11. Concurrency
    1. Asynchronous Method Invocation
    2. Synchronization
  12. Special Language Constructs
    1. Null
    2. Array Access
    3. Array Creation
    4. Field Access
    5. Inner Classes
    6. Enums
  13. Java Tools
    1. Creation of a Java Map from two Arrays.
    2. Compiling and using a Java Class dynamically from a Source Code String
  14. Guideline for Building Worksheets
    1. Types of Cells, Color Scheme
    2. Choice of Object Labels and Cell Formatting
  15. Obba Control Panel
    1. Object Dependency Graph
  16. Object Serialization and De-Serialization
  17. Literature
  18. Feedback and Feature Requests


Obba provides a bridge between spreadsheets and Java classes. With Obba, you can use spreadsheets as GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) for your Java libraries. Its main features are:

Handling Objects in Spreadsheets

Obba provides an object handler to instantiate Java objects and communicate with them. The concept behind Obba is described in the more theoretical paper

Fries, Christian P.: Comments on Handling Objects in Spreadsheets, http://www.christian-fries.de/objectinspreadsheets.

Spreadsheet Function Overview

The following is a short overview over the spreadsheet functions provided by Obba.

Object Handling

Object Persistence and Settings

Loading Java Libraries

Java libraries may be loaded as jar or class files. Obba provides spreadsheet functions to add jar files or class folders to the class loader of your Java virtual machine. The jar files can be added at runtime, at any point during your spreadsheet calculation. It is not necessary to have the jar files in your classpath.

Note on class loading: Classes made known to the Java virtual machine via the class path of the Obba Server are known to the classes added via one of the functions obAddAllJars, obAddJar, obAddAllJars. Classes added though one of the functions all share the same class loader, i.e., they do know each other. However, classes added through these functions are not known to the classes added via the class path of the Obba Server (in most situations this is not an issue).


Add jar file(s) in a given folder to the class loader.

pathToLibFolder (String)
The path to the folder containing the jar file(s).
isPathRelative (Boolean)
Optional parameter. If true, the path is relative and the current worksheet path added. If missing, isPathRelative is assumed to be false.
Return value:
absolutePath (String)
The corresponding absolute path.

Add class folder to the class loader.

pathToClassFolder (String)
The path to the folder containing the class file(s). The path has to be a classpath (in the Java sense) not just any path to .class files, i.e., the directory layout has to correspond to the Java packages.
isPathRelative (Boolean)
Optional parameter. If true, the path is relative and the current worksheet path added. If missing, isPathRelative is assumed to be false.
Return value:
absolutePath (String)
The corresponding absolute path.

Add a jar file to the class loader.

pathToJar (String)
The path to the jar file.
isPathRelative (Boolean)
Optional parameter. If true, the path is relative and the current worksheet path added. If missing, isPathRelative is assumed to be false.
Return value:
absolutePath (String)
The corresponding absolute path.

Object Labels and Object Handles

The Obba object handler holds references to objects (and primitives) and stores them in a map under a user-specified object label. An object label is a string. The object handler then returns another string, the object handle to the user. An object handle is a string. The object is accessible through this handle only. It is important to understand the difference between object labels and object handles:

The generated object handle consist of the object label plus a # character and a unique integer number (do not rely on this).

Re-using Object Labels

If you create an object under an object label that is already associated to another object, then the other object is released from the object handler and the new object is assigned the object label. A new object handle will be returned and the old object handle is no longer valid.

The released object will be marked for deletion if no other object holds a reference to it.

Object Creation

Objects are created through the spreadsheet function obMake.

Create an object calling a constructor of the given class using the given arguments and storing it under a given object label.

objectLabel (String)
The label under which the object should be stored in the object handler. If objectLabel is an empty string, a transient object label is generated and returned.
className (String)
The Java class name.
parameters (type depends on className, see below)
Optional. Parameters.
... (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Additional parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
Return value:
objectHandle (String)
The object handle by which the object must be referenced when used as an argument: see section entitled "Object Labels and Object Handles"..


Depending on the value of the parameter className, the other parameters have the following interpretation:

Primitives and Wrapper Classes

One Dimensional Arrays of Primitives and Wrapper Classes

Two Dimensional Arrays of Primitives and Wrapper Classes


If the parameter className specifies a Java class name (fully quallyfied including it's package name), an object of this class is constructed using the class's constructor having the signature specified by parameters. If the parameters are omitted, the default constructor (no arguments) is called. If not, the parameters are interpreted as described in the Section "Parameters" below and define the signature of the constructor.

Advanced feature: If className refers to an object handle of an object of type java.lang.Class, an object of this class is constructed using the class's constructor (as above).


Literals, Primitives

The following call will store the value of 0.5 under the object label myValue:
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("myValue","double",0.5)
This corresponds to the Java code
double myValue = 0.5;


class java.lang.Double

The following call will create an object of type Double (using the previously created literal with the object handle myValue #43) and store it under the object label myDouble:
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("myDouble", "java.lang.Double", "myValue")
This corresponds to the Java code
Double myDouble = new Double(myValue);

class java.util.Date

The following call will create an object of type java.util.Date (using the default constructor, i.e., without arguments) and store it under the object label dateObject:
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("dateObject","java.util.Date")
This corresponds to the Java code
import java.util.Date;

Date dateObject = new Date();
Note that Obba provides a "shorthand" for creating an java.util.Date object from an spreadsheet date (Excel date, Openoffice date) via
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("dateObject","Date", A1)
where the cell A1 contains an spreadsheet date. This "shorthand" is provided for convenience.

Method Invocation

Methods are invoked through the spreadsheet function obCall (via a special method name you may also access public fields).

Call a method on a given object using the given arguments and storing its result under the given resultLabel. If resultLabel is an empty string, the result will be stored under a generated transient object label.

resultLabel (String)
The label to be assigned to the method's result. If objectLabel is an empty string, a transient object label is generated and returned.
objectLabel (String)
The label of the object.
methodName (String)
The method name.
parameters (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
... (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Additional parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
Return value:
objectHandle (String)
The object handle by which the result object must be referenced when used as an argument: see section entitled "Object Labels and Object Handles". If the method is of void return type, the method is treated as if it would return a self-reference: the resultLabel is ignored and the object associated with objectLabel gets a new object handle. The new object handle is returned. If the method is a static void, a new Boolean(true) object is stored under the resultLabel.


Consider that cell A1 contains the construction of an java.util.Date object, i.e.,
Spreadsheet (cell A1) (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("dateObject","java.util.Date")
Then cell A1 contains the object handle that must be used as an argument to obCall when ivoking methods on this object. The following worksheet function calls the method toString, having no arguments, on the object referenced by the object handle in cell A1 and stores the result of the method under the object label dateString.
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obCall("dateString",A1,"toString")
This corresponds to the Java code
import java.util.Date;

String dateString = dateObject.toString();

Passing Parameters

The functions obMake and obCall have an optional set of parameters parameters1, parameters2, parameters3 ..., where each parameter is a string or an array of strings. From these parameters a single vector of strings is build (buy appending the elements, row major). Each string is then interpreted as an object handle defining one parameter of the constructor or method.

The advantage of this approach is that parameters may be represented by large arrays of object handles and thus there is no limit to the number of parameters. On the other hand, it is possible to split the arrays, which allows a flexible spreadsheet setup.


Each cell referenced above must contain a valid object handle. The signature of the constructor of the method is constructed from the type of the object represented by the object handle.

Passing Literal Values

It is not possible to pass a literal in the parameter set. For example, the parameter set (B5, 0.5, B7:B8) is not admissible: you would need to use (B5, obMake("","double",0.5) , B7:B8). This is necessary so as to associate the literal value (here, 0.5) with its type (here, double). See also the section on compound function calls below. (Note: the example here uses a transient object handle).

Casting Objects

When you invoke a method with a given parameter list, the object handler searches for a matching method. If there is no exact match it will calculate a score and choose a method for which this score is the smallest. Currently, the score is the sum distance of the inheritance levels between the argument classes and the method signature. If there are more than one method with the smallest score, one of them is arbitrarily selected.

To ensure that a method with a specific signature is chosen, objects can be cast to a different type using the obCast function.

Note: In general it is rarely necessary to use obCast.


Changes the type/class of an object in the object handler and returns a new object handle to the casted object. The object handle of the original object is invalidated.

objectHandle (String)
The object handle of the object to be casted.
className (String)
Java class name by which the object should be casted.
Return value:
objectHandle (String)
A new object handle for the casted object.

Converting Object Values to Spreadsheet Values

For some object types, the object handler can perform a conversion to an spreadsheet type using obGet. The supported object types are:

Return the value of an object as a spreadsheet type.

objectHandle (String)
The object's handle.
Return value:
value (type depends on object type)
The object's value.

Supported Conversions to Spreadsheet Types

Primitive Types and Selected Wrapper Classes

Arrays of Primitive Types and Selected Wrapper Classes

Note: If you convert an array (String[], String[][], double[], double[][], etc.), then the spreadsheet function has to be treated as an array function (in Excel: mark the region where the result should appear, enter the formula and press CTRL-SHIFT-RETURN (or CTRL-SHIFT-RETURN), see Introducing array formulas in Excel).


Releasing Objects

An object may be released from the object handler using the obRelease function.

Release an object from the object handler.

objectHandle (String)
The object's handle.
Return value:
objectHandle (String)
The deleted object's handle.

Building Spreadsheet Functions

Compound Function Calls

obMake and obCall return the object handle of the newly created object or the result of a method call. Thus it is possible to pack execution chains into a single function call. This is useful if you want to display the result of a call (combine obCall and obGet) or directly use a created object as a parameter (combine obMake and obCall).


The following spreadsheet formula creates a java.util.Date object, stores it under "dateObject", calls the method toString() on this object, stores the result under "dateString", and then returns the value of "dateString" as spreadsheet String:

Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obGet(obCall("dateString";obMake("dateObject";"java.util.Date");"toString"))

Object Handle Checking

An object must be referenced by its object handle; using the object label is not sufficient. Thus, if the object is referenced as an argument of some worksheet function (e.g., calling a method), then the object handle must be used. Since object handles are generated, it has to be passed by referencing the corresponding cell, rather than using a literal. Object handles for the same object label (even for the same object) may change to show that the object may have been altered.

Building the correct spreadsheet cell dependencies is important. For example, a cell dependency enforces the spread sheet application to first call the function that creates the object, then calling the function that calls a method on the newly created object.

To some extend, Obba checks for the cell dependency by generating and returning a new object handle every time the object is the result of an Obba function call.

The consistency check can be disabled in the control panel. Alternatively, there is a worksheet function, obGetHandle, that can be employed to obtain an object handle for a given object label.


Get the object handle for a given object label.

objectLabel (String)
The object label.
Return value:
objectHandle (String)
The object handle.
Note: compromises the cell dependency and thus its use should be avoided. It is chiefly useful if you have a spreadsheet that should work on an object created by some other sheet (e.g., restored from a file) but do not know the exact object handle.


The user specifies the the object label "myObject" to be assigned to a newly created object. The object handler returns, e.g., "myObject #3". If the object is to be used as an argument to some function, "myObject #3" must be used as the object handle. A call to obGetHandle("myObject") will return "myObject #3" - the current object handle.

Transient Object Handles

Objects have to be manually released from the object handler using the obRelease function. Thus, in the example above, the objects with the labels "dateString" and "dateObject" will be maintained until obRelease is called explicitly.

However, for compounding function calls it may occur that a newly assigned object handle is used only as an argument and never used again. In the above example this situation could apply to "dateString" and/or "dateObject", given that the two labels are not used anywhere else. In this case, a transient object label may be used.

To use a transient object label use an empty string as objectLabel in obMake or as resultLabel in obCall. The following will then occur:

  1. The object handler will generate a unique object label.
  2. The object will be stored under this label and a corresponding object handle will be returned by the function obMake or obCall.
  3. The object will be released automatically, the first time (!) this generated object handle is used as a parameter in any of the functions obMake or obCall or obGet.


The following spreadsheet function call uses transient object labels to show the current date as a string. The two objects created during its execution (java.util.Date and java.lang.String) are automatically released after its execution:
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obGet(obCall("";obMake("";"java.util.Date");"toString"))

Example: The corresponding Java code

Assume there is a Java method SpreadsheetValue Spreadsheet.getValue(Object javaObject) that represents the functionality of obGet(), then the function call
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obGet(obCall("dateString";obMake("dateObject";"java.util.Date");"toString"))
would correspond to the Java code
Date dateObject = new Date();

String dateString = dateObject.toString();

SpreadsheetValue value = Spreadsheet.getValue(dateString);
while the function call
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obGet(obCall("";obMake("";"java.util.Date");"toString"))
would correspond to the Java code
SpreadsheetValue value = Spreadsheet.getValue( (new Date()).toString() )

Deferred Release - Making Object Handles Transient

If an object has been created under some object label elsewhere, but should be released after it has been used by a function call, its object label may be converted into a transient object label using the obReleaseDeferred function.

Release an object from the object handler after it is used for the first time.

objectHandle (String)
The object's handle.
Return value:
transientObjectHandle (String)
The transient object handle of same object.
Note: Internally, a new transient object label will be crated for the object and the old object label will be immediately released.


Obba allows executing methods on objects, and thus worksheet functions, asynchronously. Thus it allows building highly parallelized, massively multi-threaded worksheets.

Asynchronous Method Invocation

Methods are executed asynchronously using the obRun function.

Asynchronously calls a method on a given object using the given arguments and stores its result under the given resultLabel. If resultLabel is an empty string, the result will be stored under a generated transient object label.

resultLabel (String)
The label to be assigned to the method's result. If objectLabel is an empty string, a transient object label is generated and returned.
objectLabel (String)
The object's label.
methodName (String)
The method name.
parameters (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
... (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Additional parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
Return value:
objectHandle (String)
The object handle by which the result object must be referenced when used as an argument: see section entitled "Object Labels and Object Handles". If the method is of void return type, then the method is treated as if it would return a self reference: the resultLabel is ignored and the object associated with objectLabel receives a new object handle. The new object handle is returned. If the method is a static void, a new Boolean(true) object is stored under the resultLabel.


Asynchronously executed methods can be synchronized by using the obSync function. The function takes a list of object handles and synchronizes all objects associated with these labels.

Wait for the calculation of the given object handles.

parameters (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
... (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Additional parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
Return value:
parameters0 (String)
The first argument will in the argument list.

Special Language Constructs

This section explains how to realize other language constructs such as arrays, inner classes and enums.


There may be the need to pass a Null reference as a function argument. You may create a Null reference of a specific type with a given object handle (although null is not an object) using the obCast function where the object handle parameter corresponds to a non-existing object.


Null Reference of Type String

For a null reference of type String, the Java code
String myString = null;
can be realized using obCast with
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obCast("myString", "String")
given that an object "myString" does not yet exist (otherwise obCast would try to cast that object to a String).

Array Access

You can access an array by using obCall with the method name being "[]" and one integer argument denoting the index. Multi-dimensional arrays can be accessed similarly, i.e., an element of a two dimensional array is obtained through obCall with method name being "[][]" and two integer arguments, a three-dimensional array is obtained through obCall with method name being "[][][]" and three integer arguments, and so forth.


One-Dimensional Array

For a one-dimensional array, myArrayObject, the Java code
Object myElement = myArrayObject[4];
can be realised using obCall with
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obCall("myElement", "myArrayObject", "[]", obMake("","int",4))

Two-Dimensional Array

For a two-dimensional array, myArrayObject, the Java code
Object myElement = myArrayObject[4][6];
can be realised using obCall with
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obCall("myElement", "myArrayObject", "[][]", obMake("","int",4), obMake("","int",6))

Array Creation

You can create an array of objects by using obMake with the class name ending in "[]", preceded by the class name of the component type. The array is initialized by the object given by the arguments of obMake.


One Dimensional Array

Consider that cells A1, A2, and A3 contain the object handles of myObject1, myObject2, and myObject3, all of which are of Class MyClass. Then the creation of a one-dimensional array, myArray, as in the Java code
MyClass[] myArray = { object1, object2, object3 };
can be realized using obMake with
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("myArray", "MyClass[]", A1:A3)

Multi-Dimensional Array

A multi-dimensional array can be created by repeating the above, that is, by creating arrays of arrays.

Field Access

Field may be accessed via obCall using a special method name which consists of the name of the field and a "." (dot) as a prefix.


The following code gets the public static field AUGUST of java.util.Calendar:
int month = java.util.Calendar.AUGUST;
and the corresponding call to obCall would be
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obCall("month", "java.util.Calendar", ".AUGUST")
(note the "." in the method name).

Inner Classes

In Java, an inner class is a class with a certain naming convention (namely, OuterClass$InnerClass). If the inner class is non-static, i.e. has an object of the outer class as scope, then the constructor of the inner class is implicitly expanded to a constructor taking a reference to an object of the outer class as an additional first argument. Hence you can construct an inner class using the OuterClass$InnerClass notation and add the object handle of the scope object as a first argument. If the inner class is a public static class, then you may call its constructor(s) via OuterClass$InnerClass passing all arguments as specified by the specific constructor.


If MyInnerClass is a non-static inner class of MyClass and myObject is an object of class MyClass then the construction of an object myInnerObject of type MyClass.MyInnerClass with scope myObject is given by the Java code
MyClass.MyInnerClass myInnerObject = myObject.new MyInnerClass(...);
This is equivalent to
MyClass.MyInnerClass myInnerObject = MyClass$MyInnerClass(myObject,...);
thus the corresponding call to obMake would be
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("myInnerObject", "MyClass$MyInnerClass", "myObject",...)


Creating an Enum

In Java an enum is a class. Hence you can create an enum using obMake with a constructor or obCall with some factory. An enum may be created through the static method valueOf providing the enum value as a String. If the enum is part of a class it is treated as an inner class.

Getting an Enum

If an enum is stored under some object handle, calling obGet on that handle will convert the enum to a Spreadsheet string (the Java toString-method will be called on the enum).


Consider the following class definition:
package com.mycompany.myproduct;

class MyClass {

public enum MyEnum = { ONE, TWO, THREE };

Then the worksheet function
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obCall("enumValue", "com.mycompany.myproduct.MyClass$MyEnum" ,"valueOf", obMake("","String","ONE"))
corresponds to the Java code
MyClass.MyEnum enumValue = MyClass.MyEnum.ONE;
Now, if the spreadsheet cell A1 would contain the above call to create the enum, then
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obGet(A1)
would return the enums value as a string, i.e. ONE.

Java Tools

Obba comes with some utility Java classes which are directly accessible from the spreadsheet (using obMake, obCall) and provide convenient methods for creating some frequently used objects.

Creation of a Java Map from two Arrays.

Obba allows to create an array directly from a spreadsheet column. The class info.obba.javatools.Collections provides the static method

public static <K,V> Map<K,V> fillMap(Map<K,V> map, K[] keys, V[] values)
which may be used to conveniently create a corresponding map.


The following spreadsheet function will create a HashMap with keys (String) from column A1:A5 and values (Double) from column B1:B5.
Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obCall("map", "info.obba.javatools.Collections", "fillMap", obMake("", "java.util.HashMap"), obMake("", "String[]", A1:A5), obMake("", "Double[]", B1:B5))

Compiling and using a Java Class dynamically from a Source Code String

If Obba Server runs within a JDK, the javatools compiler may be used to dynamically create objects from source code passed as a string argument.

The class info.obba.javatools.Compiler provides the method

public java.lang.Class<?> sourceToClass(String className, String source)
which compiles a Java source code of a class to a java.lang.Class object. You can then use obMake to instantiate an object of that class by referencing the object returned by sourceToClass as the second argument of obMake.


The following spreadsheet function will instantiate an objects under the object label myObject of class mypackage.MyClass whose source code is contained in cell A1:

Spreadsheet (Excel/OpenOffice)
= obMake("myObject", obCall("", obMake("", "info.obba.javatools.Compiler"), "sourceToClass", obMake("","String","mypackage.MyClass"), obMake("","String",A1)))
In this example we call the default constructor of mypackage.MyClass. Of course, adding the appropriate arguments to the outer obMake function will result in a call to the corresponding constructor.

Guideline for Building Worksheets

Types of Cells, Color Scheme

With respect to the use of the object handler, your spreadsheet will essentially consist of four different types of cells:

While the value of the first cell type is volatile in that it can possibly be changed by the spreadsheet user, the other elements are usually static, especially if the spreadsheet has gone past the development stage.

To avoid having a formula overwritten by user input and thus breaking a spreadsheet dependency tree, the different cell types above should be made distinguishable, e.g., by a scheme for background colors or fonts.

Choice of Object Labels and Cell Formatting

If a cell contains an object handle returned by the object handler, it may serve as a descriptive text as well. To do so:

Obba Control Panel

The Obba control panel showing for each object its label, type, creation time and last access time.

The function obControlPanelSetVisible switches the Obba control panel on or off.

Switch the Obba Control Panel on or off.

visible (Boolean)
If true, the Obba Control Panel will be made visible; else invisible.

The Obba Control Panel allows viewing all objects in the object handler and permits releasing selected objects from the object handler.

Note: Releasing non-transient object handles via the Obba Control Panel is not recommended if these objects are still referenced in the spreadsheet.

Object Dependency Graph

The Obba object dependency graph.

From the window menu of the Obba Control Panel you can bring up the Object Dependency Graph. The object dependency graph shows each object as a vertex (a box) and shows, using arrows, which objects where used to instantiate that object.

Object Serialization and De-Serialization

Objects that implement the java.io.Serializable interface can be serialized and de-serialized, i.e., saved to a file and restored from a file. This can be accomplished via the Obba Control Panel or through the worksheet functions obSave and obLoad.

Save Serializable objects to a file. If a list of object handles is given, then only those objects are saved to the file. If no list of object handles is given, then all objects are saved to the file.

fileName (String)
The file name under which the object should be saved to.
parameters (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
... (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Additional parameters. See section entitled "parameters".
Return value:
objectLabels (Array of String)
The labels of the objects saved.

Load Serializable objects from a file. If a list of object handles is given, only those objects are loaded from the file. If no list of object handles is given, all objects are loaded from the file. Objects currently in the object handler are either left intact or replaced.

fileName (String)
The file name under which the object should be saved to.
parameters (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
... (String or Array of String, each representing an object handle)
Optional. Additional parameters. See section entitled "Parameters".
Return value:
objectLabels (Array of String)
The labels of the objects saved.


The concept behind Obba is described in the paper

Fries, Christian P.: Comments on Handling Objects in Spreadsheets, http://www.christian-fries.de/objectinspreadsheets.

Feedback and Feature Requests

Please send feedback and feature requests to info@obba.info.